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Bohmian.org - Discussion - P{inging,erl}InternetRelayC{hat,lient} - m

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m joined January 13, 2008 (logged-in March 11, 2020) <beez> Bitching where bitching is due -- and often where it is not.

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My Opinion of P{inging,erl}InternetRelayC{hat,lient}:

pirc, the P{ingingerl}InternetRelayC{hatlient}, is a Perl IRC client that was written to be very minimalistic. Originally, it simply functioned to maintain a connection and to replay to server ping requests as necessary such that the user didn't need to be constantly active and manually reply. This was especially important on some networks which sent multiple ping requests each minute. Version 0.1, released later the same day, added the luxury of remembering the previous command (and target) issued to facilitate an ongoing conversation.